Republic Indonesia is a transcontinental country in South Asia territory; between Asia-Australia and between Pacific-Athlantic Ocean). It consists of 17.508 islands and it is the biggest archipelago state in the world with forestry 120.353.104 hectare. There are variety of interesting places, tropical highland, and deep blue sea for tourism.

The population of Indonesia approximately 237 million people (the 4th most populated of the world). The population of Indonesia consists of 300 national ethnics with own variety, language, architectural, customs, music and dance traditionally, race, and religion. Indonesia with the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity) has been influenced by culture of India, Arab, Chinese, and Europe in many years

There are approximately 2000 football clubs with 30.000 football players whom play in national competition and millions of young talented nations. National football competition is 3.000 competitions per year, in average, with many hundred fans club very attractive and fantastic. Indonesian people love football sports and 50% are fanatic. Rating in media cover is very high, including 12 TV live events for football Competition.

We, Indonesia, offer an unique and spectacular World Cup in 21 Century. With slogan ‘GREEN’ World Cup For Our Planet Safety, Indonesia want to build a dream, strategic, policy, program, investment, innovation, and creation to protect and preserve the global ecosystem, to guarantee the human safety, to promote social development, solidarity, as well as to create a peace, order, justice and sustainable living.

We have 10 modern cities as hostes in six beautiful islands: Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar Bali, Mataram, Makassar, Samarinda, Banda Aceh, and Palembang. The cities ready to receive about 3 millions people from around the world.

dan ternyata 10 kota besar dan 6 pulau yang sangat indah menjadi sasaran para turis dan akan menjadi tempat bermain nya berlangsung. mungkin lapangan gelora bung karno yang baru di bangun akan menjadi lapangan utama untuk world cup nanti....

semoga ini menjadi petanda baik jika world cup 2018 atau 2022 berlangsung di sini
akan mendapatkan devisa yang tinggi karena para orang seluruh dunia akan b erkunjung di indonesia. kita sebagai masyarakat harus menjaga kebudayaan dan sopan santun untuk menjadi kan negara ini go to INTERNASIONAL dan di kenal di seluruh DUNIA ini.. bahwa Indonesia itu negara yang BESAR....